My top thankful list today:
My car. I know, it seems superficial, but without the Xterra, I'd be stuck at school. Literally. This is the parking lot at 1:30 today.
School let out early and believe me, people hit the road. It doesn't look bad, but a block from school 5 cars were in the ditch and it was less than fun traveling home. So yeah, I'm thankful for my 4-wheel beast.
I'm also thankful I have a warm house to come home to. I work in a pretty poor school district, and there are kids who go home to no parents, or frankly, parents who'd be better off NOT being parents, and often no food. So I'm thankful for my house, and my job to provide for my house and my food, when so many people don't know where or when their next meal is arriving.

Speaking of food and shelter, I'm thankful for my pets. They provide love and laughter and I'm thankful I can provide them with shelter and food. Even the horses that keep getting out and are the bane of my existence right now. Who can blame them when they are staring at the stack of hay just past the fence!
That's Shyster on the left. I have to keep reminding myself she's a Berner and she LIKES the cold. She has a huge "dog house" if she wants to get out of the weater so don't call the ASPCA!
Pina on the left. She keeps trying to get on my lap while I"m on the laptop; this is her "I'm tired of sharing you with the laptop look". Ebony on the right. He's not my escape artist, Tag is.
This is Big. You can't really tell from the picture but he is a pure black German Shepard. And he IS big. Very big. Couple of hundred pounds of dog between the two of them.