Do you ever just feel like a number?

Or are numbers overwhelming you? I'm sure someone's done a study as to how many numbers we can spout off from the top of our heads! Phone numbers - I bet my 8th graders could relay 100; all their friends! Social security numbers (I know mine and my son's, that's it), address numbers, times, dates, birthdays (I rely on a computer program for those now, and I bet you do to!) Phew! At least we don't have to walk around like this poor guy with our number pierced into our ear :-)
Yesterday I went to the school barn (how many schools can say they have one of those! LOL) and took some pictures. One of my students shows lambs (among other things, I guess)

and there was an ag class out there looking all thrilled as 8th graders so often are. :-)

The hubs is home this weekend, hopefully to fix all the lawn equipment I have "broken". And to start the weedeater. I should never have let him talk me out of buying a battery operated weedeater. There may be money spent........