Last weekend while I was at the Academic Bowl with these guys:
the hubs came home and worked on the waterfall. So I got to watch and listen to falling water as I tried to reclaim the yard from ignoring it all winter.

Even the dogs were helpful, and by helpful I mean I didn't have to yell at
em for trying to bite the lawnmower. Speaking of lawnmower, I broke mine. It ate a baseball about 2/3 of the way through the backyard and will NOT restart! See that triangle shape that's darker than the rest? This is what I l have left to mow. Now what!
So I dug (literally, it was under a bunch of junk in the wood shed) the
weedeater out of the shed and tried to start it. Pump 10X, pull 3, move to half choke, repeat repeat repeat. I HATE
weedeaters. I hate rewinding them, I hate starting them (or trying), I really kind of hate using them. I have tried electric ones, metal blade ones, battery ones, they just don't like me. Maybe this summer I"ll just hire my yard done and I"ll stick to planting pretty flowers :-)

This is some of my goodies from the Master Gardener plant sale in Springfield. More work for me, more pretty for the yard.
So it's back to weeding the front flower beds I guess. I've let the vinca have one of them but I keep trying to get something other than wild onions and dandy-lions to grow in the other two. The begonias are looking good, if I can just keep Big from jumping through them like an English saddle horse!
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